“Navy Warns Mail-In DNA Kits Could Bring ‘Unwelcome’ Family News”
by Gina Harkins
Military.com, 23 January 2020
“It’s not just you who’s getting the test — effectively everyone who is genetically related to you is, at least in part, getting the test along with you,” Evans said. “And that can create some interesting problems in terms of communicating risks about genetic diseases or even coming to terms with perhaps complicated genetic relationships.”
“The Alt-Right is Wrong About Star Wars””
by Nicholas G. Evans
The Boston Globe, 14 December 2017
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Movie” hits theaters this week, and one group of fans is not happy. The self-described “alt-right,” an offshoot of conservatism mixing racism, white nationalism, and populism, has complained that “Rogue One” has been tarnished by politics.
Members of the group have called for a boycott…
“May the Force Be With You … Unless You’re a Droid”
by Doug Sparks
Merrimack Valley Magazine, 12 December 2017
A Philosophy of Star Wars Q&A with UML Prof. Nicholas Evans:
Before the release of the newest installation in the Star Wars saga, “The Last Jedi,” I sat down with UMass Lowell professor of philosophy Nicholas Evans to speak with him about the films and topics ranging from droid welfare…
“Allocating Scarce Medical Resources During Armed Conflict”
by Nicholas G. Evans
BMC Blog Network, 23 May 2017
Resource allocation is an enduring medical problem. From the triage of penicillin in World War Two, to contemporary discussions about organ availability or the use of medical countermeasures following a bioterror attack, cases abound in which scarce resources need to be allocated to a population along ethical, principled lines…